On to what we're reading....I am reading the book, The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. I think it was made into a film a few years ago but I haven't seen it. This story is about the King Arthur legend but uniquely told from mostly the women's point of view and the roles they played in the saga. I am not very far into it but I can tell it is going to lead me on a pretty long journey (it's 876 pages). The King Arthur story has always fascinated me so when I saw that we had this book I decided to choose it for my next book club book.

If you are coming on the field trip with us on Saturday, make sure I have your permission slip and that you are here in front of the school by 1pm.
See you Monday, please respond to this posting and tell me what you are reading and what it's about and if you are coming on Saturday.
I started to read "the city of ember" like 2 days ago, so far I think it's an awesome book, I like how it has a sort of mystery feel to it because it doesn't tell you why the builders built the city underground; I also liked how the city is running out of supplies and practically falling apart, because it poses the questions what would happen if they did run out of supplies?, would they go crazy and try to find a solution in the unknown regions? would they ever find the box telling them that there is another place besides ember, that it is OK to come up from underground?, I am anxiously waiting to find out what will happen and weather Doon will find a way to help ember and if Lina's grandmother will find the thing she is looking for.
So unfortunately "Ink heart" was just to much for me sense i saw the movie i know whats gonna happen so i stopped reading it....but i started reading "Identical" by Ellen Hopkins. I have read all the rest of her books like this one so i figured this one should be as good so far i love it and I'm on page 219 and Ive been reading it for about some days maybe like 4 days.The book in total has 565 pages. I would recommend this book but let me tell you its a mature book if you cant handle it don't read it. I guess my favorite part is that well the twins do what they think is good for them. The thing is they are doing it to hide themselves from the truth.Well thats my post for this time bye bye!!!
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