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Monday, August 29, 2011
Summer Reading and The Austin Teen Book Festival!
Hi everyone! Over the summer my reading list included (finally) the Harry Potter series. I am more than half way through the seven books and am enjoying them way more than I expected. When I first began hearing about these books I was just beginning my teaching career and going to school every night at Cal State, Long Beach. So, needless to say, I was not reading YA just for fun at the time and didn't get a chance to begin the series then. Over the years, I've often wondered what I was missing and curiosity got the better of me in June, so I began the Harry Potter experience. So far, I've finished, The Sorcerer's Stone, The Chamber of Secrets, The Prisoner of Azkaban, and am almost done with The Goblet of Fire. Again, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I like the books, I find the writing really interesting and I think Rowling is exceptional at foreshadowing without giving too much away. By the way, a happy note about not reading them when they first came out is that I get to watch the movie right after I finish the book and then I have no wait before I get to start the next book:)! In my opinion, not as important as enjoying the books, but, the movies are pretty good and they follow the story pretty closely, so that's a relief for me. I know I have three books to go, but I am also kind of savoring the experience and not rushing through them!
My second order of business for today's post is to give as much information about the 3rd annual Austin Teen Book Festival happening Saturday, October 1st at the Palmer Events Center, here in Austin. I will be taking a group of students as a field trip again this year, students will be hearing all about it at Library Orientation with your ELA teacher. The official website is www.austinteenbookfestival.com and there are almost twice as many authors as ever before! You can also follow the festival for updates on Twitter, @AustinTBF. I will be posting some book trailers of authors who will be at the festival, so keep looking here for those.
Last but not least, the movie trailer for The Hunger Games is out, see it here:
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